We are a consulting company providing auditing, tax, legal, accounting and consulting services. We have been operating on the Czech market for 30 years. With more than 500 professionals and many years of experience, we are one of the leading consulting companies in the Czech Republic. Our uniqueness lies in the combination of a strong international network and individual approach to clients from offices across the Czech Republic. We provide services in the areas of audit, accounting, tax, law, information technology, digitalisation, financial and transactional advisory and valuation. We participate in local and cross-border transactions primarily with private equity funds, VC funds and other strategic and family investors. BDO facilitates transactions typically worth hundreds of millions to billions of Czech crowns. We also have extensive experience advising on transactions and companies in the startup and VC investment space . Poskytujeme klientům služby v oblastech auditu, účetnictví, daní, práva, informačních technologií, digitalizace, finančního, transakčního a podnikového poradenství či znalectví. Účastníme se mj. na lokálních a přeshraničních transakcích primárně s fondy Private Equity, dále pak s VC fondy a ostatními investory z řad strategických i rodinných. BDO napomáhá transakcím nejčastěji o velikosti stovek milionů až jednotek miliard Kč. Zároveň máme bohaté zkušenosti s poradenstvím u transakcí a firem z oblasti startupů a VC investic. |