What is PE&VC
Private equity and venture capital represent alternative sources of funding. Investors become co-owners of the companies; in addition to financial resources, also knowledge and experience for further development of the business is provided.

Benefits of PE&VC
Private equity and venture capital funds are helping Czech companies to grow and innovate, focusing in particular on those companies with unique or innovative products and services.

CVCA Members
CVCA represents the interests of almost all PE&VC funds active in the Czech Republic while bringing together approximately another 50 associated members.

Private Equity in CEE: Creating Value and Continued Growth.
The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (CVCA) is an association representing the interests of companies active in the area of private equity and venture capital in the Czech Republic. CVCA´s main objective is to promote and support private equity and venture capital and its development through, among other, elimination of administrative and legislative obstacles, and to increase awareness about the possibilities and importance of private equity and venture capital in the Czech Republic.
Almost all private equity and venture capital funds active in the Czech Republic are among our members (full members). In addition, CVCA has – as associated members – the companies providing advisory services in the area of private equity and venture capital as well as banks and insurance companies.
CVCA is a member of Invest Europe, European association of private equity and venture capital bringing together funds and national associations active on the European market. CVCA also maintains close contacts with associations from the CEE region in particular.